University of Southern California
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technical publications

Sister, C., J. Wolch, and J. Wilson. 2009. Got green? addressing environmental justice in park provision. GeoJournal.


Ghaemi, P., J. Swift, C. Sister, J. P. Wilson, and J. Wolch. 2009. Design and implementation of a web-based platform to support interactive environmental planning. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 33: 482-491.


Wolch, J. 2007. Green Urban Worlds. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 97: 373-384


Sheng, J., J. P. Wilson, N. Chen, J. S. Devinny, and J. M. Sayre. 2007. Evaluating the quality of the National Hydrography Dataset for watershed assessments in metropolitan regions. GIScience & Remote Sensing 44: 283–304.


Hydrology and Water Quality Modeling of the Santa Clara River Watershed

This report is the result of the implementation of the MIKE BASIN watershed model with water quality module. It provides estimates of stormwater flows into the Santa Clara River and geographically and temporally explicit estimates of several pollutants in those flows.

Sheng, J., and Wilson, J.P., 2009. The Green Visions Plan for 21st Century Southern California: 23, Hydrology and Water Quality Modeling for the Santa Clara River Watershed. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory, Los Angeles, California.


Hydrology and Water Quality Modeling of the Los Angeles River Watershed

This report is the result of the implementation of the MIKE BASIN watershed model with water quality module. It provides estimates of stormwater flows into the Los Angeles River and geographically and temporally explicit estimates of several pollutants in those flows.

Sheng, J., and Wilson, J.P., 2009. The Green Visions Plan for 21st Century Southern California: 22, Hydrology and Water Quality Modeling for the Los Angeles River Watershed. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory, Los Angeles, California.


Hydrology and Water Quality Modeling of the Calleguas Creek Watershed

This report is the result of the implementation of the MIKE BASIN watershed model with water quality module. It provides estimates of stormwater flows into Calleguas Creek and geographically and temporally explicit estimates of several pollutants in those flows.

Sheng, J., and Wilson, J.P., 2009. The Green Visions Plan for 21st Century Southern California: 21, Hydrology and Water Quality Modeling for the Calleguas Creek Watershed. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory, Los Angeles, California.


Hydrology and Water Quality Modeling of the San Gabriel River Watershed

This report is the result of the implementation of the MIKE BASIN watershed model with water quality module. It provides estimates of stormwater flows into the San Gabriel River and geographically and temporally explicit estimates of several pollutants in those flows.

Sheng, J., and Wilson, J.P., 2009. The Green Visions Plan for 21st Century Southern California: 20, Hydrology and Water Quality Modeling for the San Gabriel River Watershed. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory, Los Angeles, California.


Hydrology and Water Quality Modeling of the Santa Monica Bay Watershed

This report is the result of the implementation of the MIKE BASIN watershed model with water quality module. It provides estimates of stormwater flows into the Santa Monica Bay and geographically and temporally explicit estimates of several pollutants in those flows.

Sheng, J., and Wilson, J.P., 2009. The Green Visions Plan for 21st Century Southern California: 19, Hydrology and Water Quality Modeling for the Santa Monica Bay Watershed. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory, Los Angeles, California.


Creating Parks & Open Space Using Green Visions Planning Toolkit 1.0

This manual provides detailed instructions for use of the Green Visions Plan online toolkit. Tutorials are provided that instruct users how to explore data layers, and design and print maps using Green Visions data.

Newell, J, Sister, C., Wolch J., Swift, J, P. Ghaemi, J. Wilson, and T. Longcore. 2007. The Green Visions Plan for 21st Century Southern California. 18. Creating Parks & Open Space Using Green Visions Planning Toolkit 1.0. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles, Califorrnia.


Access to Parks and Park Facilities in the Green Visions Plan Region

This present technical report examines access to and equity in the distribution of park and open space resources across the Green Visions Plan (GVP) study area, with a particular focus on access to various types of park infrastructure and facilities. Findings from the present report demonstrate that only 14.6% of the region’s population has pedestrian access to greenspaces (where pedestrian access is defined as living ¼ mile - or ½ mile round trip - to the nearest park), leaving 85.4% of the population without easy access to such resources. The report offers analysis of equity assessment measured both by park acres per capita and the availability of park facilities and amenities as well as provides a comparison of proportions of race/ethnic groups inside and
outside marked study areas.

Sister, C., Wilson, J.P., and Wolch, J. 2008. Green Visions Plan for
21st Century Southern California. 17. Access to Parks and Park
Facilities in the Green Visions Plan Region. University of Southern
California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities,
Los Angeles, California.

report cover

Watershed Assets Assessment Report

This report provides the hydrologic assets assessment for the GVP study area. The assessment describes the current conditions of the watershed, the human modifications that have been made to the system, and to what extent hydrologic characteristics have been altered in changing flow regimes, flow paths, water quality and groundwater storage etc.  The hydrologic assets inventory will provide principal information for watershed projects such as prioritization of riparian land acquisition, storm water park sites selection, concrete flood control channel removal, dam removal, underground storm drains daylightening, and riparian habitat restoration and so on. This report is intended to support and inform regional wide planning efforts from the perspective of watershed health assessment. 

Sheng, J., and J. P. Wilson. 2008. Green Visions Plan for 21st Century Southern California. 16. Watershed Assets Assessment Report. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles, California.


Historical Ecology and Landscape Change of the San Gabriel River and Floodplain

A collaborative group including the Southen California Coastal Water Research Project, California State University Northridge, San Francisco Estuary Institute, Los Angeles and San Gabriel Watershed Council, and GVP researchers has completed an extensive study of the wetland and upland natural communities associated with the San Gabriel River across the coastal plain. Click here to download report and appendices.

Stein, E. D., S. Dark, T. Longcore, N. Hall, M. Beland, R. Grossinger, J. Casanova, and M. Sutula. 2007. Historical Ecology and Landscape Change of the San Gabriel River and Floodplain. SCCWRP Technical Report #499.

report cover

Park Congestion and Strategies to Increase Park Equity

Many neighborhoods of southern California are park-poor, and policy makers face the challenge of understanding in which communities scarce parkland acquisition dollars should be allocated. This report presents a pragmatic approach to assist planners in addressing distributional inequities in park access. Delineating a ‘park service area’ for each park that includes all residents for whom that park is the closest, the report describes the potential park congestion – or ‘pressure’ – characterizing each park service area across the region.  Results show that Latinos, and to some extent African-Americans, and low-income groups were likely to live close to parks with higher park pressure levels.  On the other hand, predominantly White, high-income areas are typically located close to parks with lower park pressure levels.  The park service area analysis facilitates the identification of areas with greater park need and provides a pragmatic way to redress existing disparities in park access. 

Sister, C., J Wilson, and J. Wolch. 2007. Green Visions
Plan for 21st Century Southern California. 15. Park Congestion and Strategies to Increase park Equity.
University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles, California.

Report cover

Park and Open Space Resources in the Green Visions Plan Area

This comprehensive report identifies and maps all known parks and open spaces in the study area; characterizes park facilities, amenities, and condition based on both field and Internet audits; assesses parks in terms of their potential role in habitat conservation and watershed protection; and provides basic parks data for use in GVP studies of park equity and in the development of innovative decision-support tools for local public agencies and community based organizations.

Sister, C., J. Wolch, J. Wilson, A. Linder, M. Seymour, J. Byrne, and J. Swift. 2007. Green Visions Plan for 21st Century Southern California. 14. Park and Open Space Resources in the Green Visions Plan Area, University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles, California.

Target Species Habitat Mapping Cover

Target Species Habitat Mapping

Predicted habitat maps are presented for terrestrial and aquatic target species in the Green Visions study area. Describes terrestrial species habitat suitability based on vegetation type, other habitat requirements such as soils, and fragment size and isolation. Aquatic species distributions mapped by known occurances. Prepared by the Conservation Biology Institute for the Green Visions Plan .

Rubin, E. S., H. L. Rustigian, and M. D. White. 2006. Green Visions
Plan for 21st Century Southern California. 13. Target Species Habitat Mapping.
University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles, California.


Neighborhood Stormwater Quality Modeling

Assessment of applicability of existing stormwater models to city block or parcel scale to describe water quality loadings and opportunities, including summary of previous research, overview of candidate models, and guidelines for stormwater quality modeling at this scale.

Sayre, J., X. Yan, J. S. Devinny, and J. P. Wilson. 2006. Green Visions
Plan for 21st Century Southern California. 12. Neighborhood Stormwater Quality Modeling
. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles, California.


Best Management Practices for the Treatment of Stormwater Runoff

Uses and effects of common stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) and their pollutant removal efficiencies and climate constraints, and an analysis of applicable BMPs for stormwater park design at a candidate site.

Sayre, J. M., J. S. Devinny, and J. P. Wilson. 2006. Green Visions Plan
for 21st Century Southern California. 11. Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the Treatment of Stormwater Runoff
. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles, California.


Stormwater Quality Control through Retrofit of Industrial Surfaces

Description of opportunities to rehabilitate industrial surfaces to improve stormwater quality through either partnerships with industry or purchase and public ownership.

Bina, A., and J. S. Devinny. 2006. Green Visions Plan for 21st Century
Southern California.10. Stormwater Quality Control through
Retrofit of Industrial Surfaces
. University of Southern California GIS
Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles,


Recreationist-Wildlife Interactions in Urban Parks

An examination of the potential beneficial and detrimental
human-wildlife interactions that would arise from habitat
restoration in the upper Los Angeles River watershed.

Seymour, M., J. Byrne, D. Martino, and J. Wolch. 2006. Green Visions
Plan for 21st Century Southern California. 9.
Recreationist-Wildlife Interactions in Urban Parks. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles, California.


Conservation of Native Biodiversity in the City: An Assessment of MRCA Projects in the Upper Los Angeles River Watershed

A review of the mix of strategies necessary for an urban conservation program to maximize native biodiversity and evaluation of proposed project mix in upper Los Angeles River watershed.

Longcore, T. 2006. Green Visions Plan for 21st Century Southern California. 8. Conservation of Native Biodiversity in the City: An Assessment of MRCA Projects in the Upper Los Angeles River Watershed. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles, California.


SAGE (Systematic Audit Of Green-Space Environments) Audit Form and Instructions

This survey instrument provides a consistent methodology to assess the characteristics and qualities of urban and suburban green-spaces .

Byrne, J., Wolch, J., Swift, J and Ryan, C. 2005. Green Visions Plan for 21st Century Southern California. 7. SAGE (Systematic Audit of Green-space Environments): Audit Form and Instructions. University of Southern California Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles, California.


"Nuisance" Urban Wildlife

Seymour, M. 2005. Green Visions Plan for 21st Century Southern California. 6. “Nuisance” Urban Wildlife. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles,


Terrestrial Target Species for Habitat Conservation Planning

Martino, D., C. S. Lam, and T. Longcore. 2005. Green Visions Plan for 21st Century Southern California. 5. Terrestrial Target Species for Habitat Conservation Planning. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles, California.


Scientific Workshop on Strategies for Integrated Habitat, Watershed and Recreation Planning

A 2004 USC workshop assembled technical experts in each of the subject areas to discuss and critique the research framework. Summaries and transcripts of the workshop.

Wolch, J.R. (ed). 2004. Green Visions Plan for the 21st Century Southern California. 4. Scientific Workshop on Strategies for Integrated Habitat, Watershed and Recreation Planning. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles, California.


Data Availability for Habitat, Watershed, and Recreation Planning in Southern California

Identification of geospatial data requirements for Green Visions plan analyses. Survey of potential data sources, and assessment of data resolution, temporal coverage, format, and geographic coverage.

Lam, C. S., H. Chen, C. Li, and J. P. Wilson. 2004.Green Visions Plan for the 21st Century Southern California. 3. Data Availability for Habitat, Watershed, and Recreation Planning in Southern California. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles, California.


The Online Inventory of Southern California Plans Relating to Habitat, Watersheds, and Recreation

Inventory of recreational open space, habitat conservation, and watershed management plans. Review of past plans, highlighting alternatives offered in major planning documents, alternatives that enjoy broad consensus across planning domains, and geographic areas in which little or no planning has yet to occur.

Li, C., H. Chen, C. S. Lam, T. Longcore, J. Sayre, K. Schmoker, and J. R. Wolch. 2004. Green Visions Plan for the 21st Century Southern California. 2. The On-Line Inventory of Southern California Plans Relating to Habitat, Watersheds, and Recreation. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles, California.


Analytical Frameworks for the Green Visions Plan

Integrated research frameworks to address biological, hydrological, recreational open space planning goals using policy, community engagement, and GIS tools.

Wolch, J.R., J. Devinny, T. Longcore, and J.P. Wilson. 2004. Green Visions Plan for the 21st Century Southern California. 1. Analytical Frameworks for the Green Visions Plan. University of Southern California GIS Research Laboratory and Center for Sustainable Cities, Los Angeles, California.

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